Doga, a towering building named after the four minarets, one of which is a minaret, a martial arts prodigy, Uncle Haldi, also known as Halim Gandhi, who came to Mumbai with his brothers Adrak, Dhaniya, and Kali. When he arrived, there was a rage within him against the terrorists who did not hesitate to spill each other’s blood in the name of religion. The fire inside him wanted to come out, to rise and eradicate these perpetrators of evil, no matter the cost. He would have done so if he hadn’t remembered the lesson of self-discipline he learned during martial arts training – that true strength lies in turning one’s anger into power, not weakness, and true strength is found in unity. Making this mantra his goal, he founded the formidable Institute of Martial Arts and Lion Occult in the darkness. This martial arts temple in Mumbai is considered the Shaolin Temple of India.
While many fighters have emerged from the martial arts temple, they take pride in their disciple Suraj, who embodies the same principles as Doga, which they hope for in every disciple – truth, justice, and humanity. Like his other brothers, he dedicated his life to national service. However, to break the famous fighter Jubisko’s challenge, he had to go to Japan, where he faced Jubisko and had to take care of his pregnant wife, Mariam.

The truth of Haldi Gandhi’s life is known to everyone through Vridh Warrior comics because before this, in Bachiye Madam and Valentine comics, we only knew that Farooq is Haldi Gandhi’s son. In this comic for the first time, Suraj’s Haldi Chacha is upset with him because his son is beaten by the goons due to not reaching on time to help Doga, and he ends up in the hospital. The story of Bachiye Madam and Valentine comics revolves around Farooq, Suraj, and Monica, where Farooq also falls in love with Monica. After knowing this, Suraj asks his Haldi Chacha to give Monica’s hand to Farooq as a guru dakshina. But after the truth is revealed, Farooq returns abroad.
Mariam’s son, Farooq, is the most dear to them in the world, but still, if they have to choose between a son and a disciple, they will choose Suraj because they know that Suraj is the only one capable of handling the legacy of martial arts that they have entrusted to their disciples.