When Nagraj and Shankar Shanshah comics were introduced, and Vishapriya compelled Nagraj to expel all the serpents from his body by playing the tune on the flute, every reader was curious about whether Nagraj would face such formidable opponents, and indeed, one day, Nagraj encountered his second biggest enemy, Sapera.
Sapera, who excelled in catching snakes and using his tune to make them dance, was actually a musician named Ravi Menon. Ravi Menon had increased the growth rate of crops through his music and had also enhanced his resistance to pests. This caused fear in the hearts of businessmen like Jaddushah and Passu, as one was a fertilizer dealer and the other dealt in insecticides. They were worried that Ravi Menon’s activities would ruin their businesses as they operated in the same area where Ravi Menon lived.
Jaddushah and Passu devised a plan to eliminate Ravi from their path. They gained his trust, and when Ravi became vulnerable, they discovered ancient inscriptions in the excavation that hinted at using music for the betterment of humanity. They lured Ravi Menon there and killed him, thinking they had succeeded in their plan. However, later it was revealed that he was alive, and the corpse found by the police belonged to his friend who had accompanied him that night. Mus, Passu’s henchman, had orchestrated an attack with numerous mice on them.

Several months later, Ravi Menon, now transformed into Sapera, set out to kill his enemies Jaddushah, Passu, and Mus. However, each time he faced Nagraj. Sapera’s power lies in his music, which he uses in various forms. Although he claims to have control, such as when Mus attacked him with mice, he couldn’t stop all the mice, and they overwhelmed him. Fortunately, Nagraj intervened in time to save him. Sapera has attempted lethal and surprising attacks on Nagraj multiple times, but in front of a superhero like Nagraj, those attacks proved ineffective and weak.
When everyone saw the advertisement for the Sapera comics where Nagraj was powerless, and Sapera said, ‘Sapera plays, and Nagraj’s life will be taken away,’ it created a wave of excitement among all comic lovers. However, when they read the comics, it did not live up to expectations.
Everyone knows the power of music, but the author couldn’t make Sapera a top-notch villain. Perhaps the reasons could be that the author was more focused on showcasing suspense in the story rather than emphasizing a strong villain. Another reason might be that Sapera is currently in jail, and perhaps in the near future, he might be brought back as a powerful villain. In the end, Sapera himself says that he will remove Nagraj from his path first, and then it will be the turn of his enemies. So, there is a possibility that we might see Sapera again, making Nagraj dance to his tune.