The story of Shaktiputra begins with a terrorist attack in Delhi by a massive humanoid robot, creating chaos and leaving the city helpless. The police and army are unable to counter the threat, leading the Indian government to seek help from the United States. In response, the U.S. sends a superhuman computer, but even this is destroyed by the same robot. Dr. Excel, the creator of the supercomputer, imposes conditions on everyone to listen to him.
Meanwhile, officers approach Dr. Padmanabhan, a Nobel laureate in agricultural research and molecular power. Though he was working on a humanoid robot for agricultural assistance, upon hearing the officers’ problem, he changes his plan. He reveals that he wants to create a robot that is half-human and half-robot. Soon, he meets a person named Vikram who willingly sacrifices himself. Dr. Padmanabhan extracts his brain and fits it into a humanoid robot, giving birth to Shaktiputra.
The author of Shaktiputra is Vatsala Kaushik, while Drona Features handled the illustrations, and Radha Comics published it. If one is honest and has seen Shaktiputra, they will understand it as RoboCop. Shaktiputra drew inspiration from RoboCop. Later, Raj Comics, Manoj Comics, and Tulsi Comics created characters inspired by it, each with a different storyline. However, Radha Comics copied RoboCop directly.
The biggest mistake in the story of Shaktiputra, which readers may find hard to digest, is removing the brain of a brave and strong young man and placing it into a humanoid robot. While characters like RoboCop, Jambu, or Inspector Steel were created when humans were either dead or their bodies completely gone, Radha Comics made a big mistake in trying to be different in Shaktiputra’s story. Giving a human-made shield to someone who was originally human had no justification.
When Radha Comics created Shaktiputra, the internet was not prevalent, and many people were unaware of RoboCop from various channels. Radha Comics took advantage of this and benefited from it. Readers continued to consider Shaktiputra as an Indian superhero. Recently, it was revealed that Indias Comics has taken the initiative to reprint Radha Comics, meaning Shaktiputra will soon be back in front of the audience.