Vishandhar, the ruler of Nagdweep, is a tantric king who aspires to become the king of Nagdweep himself. He continuously makes efforts to achieve this goal, but every time, he is defeated by the hands of the Snake King and has to flee. In reality, the king of Nagdweep, Maniraj, had no offspring, and Vishandhar believed that if Maniraj had no heir, he would become the next king of Nagdweep. However, his plan took a turn when the Snake King reached Nagdweep, but in the form of a child.
One day, Dev Kalajayi revealed to Maniraj in a dream that he needs to take care of a child stuck in the waterfalls of the Tapasi River, near Nagdweep. Maniraj did exactly that, secretly treating the child. Soon, the medicine worked, and the child, who was the Snake King, began to recover. Vishandhar’s plan seemed to fail as he had to leave the child where Maniraj had found him. However, when he later discovered that the Snake King survived and could become the emperor of Nagdweep, he sought the help of the demon king General Gant to obtain weapons and requested the venomous maiden to kill the Snake King.

However, both attempts to kill the Snake King failed, and the venomous maiden sided with the Snake King, leaving Vishandhar. Vishandhar possesses tantric powers, attempting to eliminate his enemies, but he cannot be included in the main villain list. In the Vishkanya comics, efforts were made to portray him as dangerous, but in the Mahayudh comics, he was turned into a jester, where he faced Kaladoot with the belief in the serpent’s words. Through the mantra of Kaladoot, Vishandhar and the serpent were bound in one mantra. In the Kundli comics, he was also compelled to follow Polka’s orders. So, we can say that just as superheroes have their sidekicks, Vishandhar is the sidekick of the villain.