They say that those who are short have to face people’s jokes since childhood. As age progresses, sympathy turns into mockery, and this mockery, along with strange looks, creates a sense of inferiority in some people’s minds. To the extent that even their parents feel that they can’t do anything now. The world has stereotyped short individuals to a single place, the circus, where they used to entertain people as clowns. Even in movies, they were often cast for comic relief. However, in recent years, important and sensitive stories for short individuals have started to be written in films. But long before this, in India, Radha Comics presented a short man as a hero in the 1990s, and his name was ‘Bauna Jasoos.’
The first comic of Bauna Jasoos was ‘Bauna Jasoos and the Cemetery Priest.’ Initially, Premlata Peshawari wrote the story, and Chitrangkan by Bharat Chemio Arts handled the illustrations. Later, Tika Ram took over the story writing. Bauna Jasoos was not presented as a jester anywhere, although there were elements of humor scattered throughout the comics. Bauna Jasoos always wore spring shoes, and around his waist, there was a belt like a pouch with a coil attached, holding a knife. He had small knives attached to his shoes, which he used when needed. He wore a white magical necklace around his neck. He had an assistant named Shreedhar, who accompanied him in all his tasks. Bauna Jasoos also had an uncle and aunt; the uncle was a constable in the police, and he was irritated by Bauna Jasoos’s detective work, while the aunt doted on him. Bauna Jasoos and Halaku introduced another companion named Halaku, who was actually a soul enslaved by a demon named Jalalu. Halaku committed various crimes under the influence of that demon. However, Bauna Jasoos not only freed him from captivity but also captured the demon. Since then, Halaku has been assisting Bauna Jasoos in every mission.

Bauna Jasoos’s story revolves around ghosts, spirits, and mystical practices. Some of Bauna Jasoos’s comics include ‘Bauna Jasoos and the Cemetery Priest,’ ‘Bauna Jasoos and the God of the Earth,’ ‘Bauna Jasoos and the Murderous Dog,’ ‘Bauna Jasoos and the Explosion in the Corpse,’ ‘Bauna Jasoos and Halaku,’ ‘Bauna Jasoos and the Mouse Gang,’ ‘Bauna Jasoos and gainda.